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Four Thursdays  |  12-1:30pm EST

Live | Online | Captioned | Recorded

Embark on a transformative 4-week experience that offers a holistic map for delving into your internal landscape, helping you to embrace and navigate the nuances of nervous system regulation with compassionate curiosity.

Through these 4 weeks together, you will learn how to ORIENT to your inner environment, understand how to MAP your inner landscape of nervous system states, and explore how to NAVIGATE your nervous system between the moments of expansion and contraction


Do you ever find yourself....

  • on an emotional rollercoaster - swinging from moments of feeling heightened anxiety to complete despair? 

  • in an emotional spiral - either lashing out on the people in your life or being viciously self-critical toward yourself?

  • tired of  “people pleasing,” prioritizing other people’s preferences, and not speaking your truth or setting healthy boundaries with yourself or others?

  • curious about somatic therapies and nervous system regulation, but aren’t really sure what those words even mean?

You are not alone, my friend.

I find that so many of my clients and students are struggling with similar things. Lots of anxiety, low self-worth, shame spirals, depths of depression, offloading emotions, internalizing painful limiting beliefs, engaging in behaviors that parts of you no longer want to engage in, lack of purpose in the world, not sure where you fit in, feeling tired of being taking advantage of in your relationships, chronically exhausted from “carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders”

I used to find myself in similar patterns. Where I would feel deep levels of incongruence in my body, mind, heart, and spirit. Where my mind would feel one way and then my body would respond another.



What would be different in your life if you started feeling better in your Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit?

If you could start feeling better today, it would likely have a significant positive impact on your overall well-being and quality of life.


By addressing nervous system dysregulation, we can cultivate a greater sense of well-being, emotional balance, and resilience, leading to increased happiness, improved connection with ourselves and others, and reduced pain and stuckness in our lives.

Here are some benefits my clients have experienced by learning how to navigate their nervous system:


  • Improved physical health and increased energy levels 

  • Enhanced mental well-being through positive mindset shifts, reduced stress levels, and improved cognitive function

  • Greater clarity, improved focus, increased motivation, and a more optimistic outlook on life

  • The ability to navigate challenges with more ease

  • Emotional balance, having greater emotional stability and resilience 

  • Improved self awareness and better communication skills 

  • Increased self care and prioritizing activities that bring joy 

  • Greater satisfaction and contentment with life.

“It's the whole package! Everything that is essential for self-understanding, healing and evolving is incorporated into Keri's work. I am grateful for her ability to simplify complex ideas and synthesize diverse theories into an integrated, accessible whole.”

- Previous Participant


Much of our own suffering in our Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit is due to a dysregulated nervous system. 


A dysregulation in our nervous system can indeed contribute to unhappiness, disconnection, feeling stuck, and even pain in our lives. Our nervous system, particularly the autonomic nervous system, plays a vital role in regulating our physiological and emotional responses to various stimuli. When this system becomes dysregulated, it can have significant impacts on our well-being.

A dysregulated nervous system can manifest in many ways throughout the body, mind, heart, and spirit. Here are some ‘indicator lights’ that may highlight dysregulation in your nervous system: 

  • Feelings of tension or tightness in your body

  • Feeling disconnected from your body

  • Feelings of chronic pain or illness

  • Feelings of fatigue, lack of sleep


Life is full of moments of regulation and dysregulation. Moments where we feel expanded and moments where we will feel collapsed.


The key is to learn how to ORIENT to your inner environmentunderstand how to MAP your inner landscape of nervous system shifts, explore how to NAVIGATE your nervous system between the moments of expansion and contraction

That is exactly what we’re going to embark on together in

The Art of Navigating Your Nervous System.

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I’m here to tell you that all of these signals are not because there is something wrong with you or that you’re “broken”, it’s because you have a dysregulated nervous system.

Not only that, but there are scientific reasons behind these signals that are hidden in the map of your nervous system!

This course will teach you all about your nervous system, provide you insights why your nervous system became dysregulated, and practical tools necessary to learn how to regulate your nervous system to create more balance, peace, and happiness in your life.

“You either walk into your story and own your truth, or you live outside of your story, hustling for your worthiness”

- Brené Brown

“It shifted my perspective. it opened me up to seeing myself in a more complete way. it seems like i can choose to be more compassionate and curious when looking at myself and others instead of judgemental and negative.”

- Previous Participant

When you begin to REGULATE your nervous system you’ll be able to experience:

  • Feeling relaxation and ease in your body

  • Feeling connected to your body

  • Feeling previous chronic pain become more manageable 

  • Feeling of more energy and ability to sleep


By recognizing and getting curious about our feelings, we develop emotional intelligence, gain insights into our thought patterns and behaviors, and create opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement. It allows us to cultivate greater self-awareness and make conscious choices that align with our values and well-being.

Are you ready to learn how to navigate your nervous system and cultivate a life of more balance?

Join me for this 4-week LIVE course to learn the science behind why you think, feel, and behave the way you do. 

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What's included:
  • Four 90-minute live calls on Zoom with me​

  • In-depth PDF workbooks that will accompany each of the live teachings. All of the material in these PDFs (prompts, exercises and practices) are designed to support you in integrating this material into your daily life

  • Guided somatic mindfulness and breathing practices specifically designed for each state of dysregulation to help you move into a more regulated state

  • Recordings will be provided about 24 hours after each event in case you can’t make it live

  • Prior to each call, you will receive a Self-Reflection Questionnaire where you will have the opportunity to ask me direct questions about the content provided and how it applies to your own lived experience. That way, even if you can't attend the live calls, you can have your questions answered live (and anonymously), to feel as if you are there live when you watch the recording later

  • Utilizing the Kajabi platform for this course allows you to access the content, recordings, and guided practices from the convenience of your phone, whether you are at home or on the go

Weekly Curriculum


September 19. 2024  |  12-1:30pm EST

We’ll explore:

  • The six different nervous system states

  • The different states of regulation and dysregulation and how that may look in your body, mind, heart, and spirit

  • How to ORIENT to different nervous system states within your body

  • What trauma is and how the past can still be impacting your present

  • Somatic tools and breath practices to help you learn how to regulate your nervous system

  • A PDF workbook with journal prompts, practices, and invitations to help you integrate this material into your daily life


September 26. 2024  |  12-1:30pm EST

We’ll explore:

  • How to MAP your own nervous system states

  • How these different states show up in your body, mind, heart, and spirit

  • Different tools to help you regulate from feelings of overwhelm and collapse

  • New somatic tools and breath practices to help you learn how to regulate your nervous system

  • A PDF workbook with journal prompts, practices, and invitations to help you integrate this material into your daily life

Navigating in Woods


October 3. 2024  |  12-1:30pm EST

We’ll explore:

  • Discover ways to NAVIGATE your nervous system states

  • Create a step-by-step Action Plan to help you feel confident in navigate times of overwhelm or collapse in the future 

  • How to create more connection, passion, purpose, ease, play, and joy into your life

  • New somatic tools and breath practices to help you learn how to regulate your nervous system

  • A PDF workbook with journal prompts, practices, and invitations to help you integrate this material into your daily life


October 10. 2024  |  12-1:30pm EST

  • As we reach the end of our course, Integration Week is designed to help you weave the insights and skills you've gained into your daily life

  • This week focuses on reflection and application, providing you with the opportunity to solidify your learning and address any final questions

  • We’ll also have dedicated time for discussing any lingering questions and refining your approach to ensure a seamless transition from learning to living

Compass & Map
Register, NYNS
Registration is

Now Available

Choose the payment option below that works best for you. 
Full and partial scholarships available. Visit the FAQ page
below for details.
 I can't wait to see you inside!

Course Pricing:


pay-in-full option



weekly payment plan option



Click the button below to check out my FAQ page and, if you still have unanswered questions, please do not hesitate to email me directly.

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